The ultimate guide of Google Query Parameters
When you write the "" in you address bar of browser you will find the URL such like below:
Now what is it? How the google passed the search parameters whenever we search. Take a look.
- Here we divide the entire google url into different parts the First part of URL is based on the country
Like: (India), (United Kingdom), (Canada), (New Zealand)
- '?' is the symobol where further query string is passed
- 'gfe_rd=cr&ei'
- 'gfe'means Google Front-End,
- 'rd' means Redirect,
- 'cr' means Country, (till this you can find in all websites)
- 'ei' means Engine Id
- ei is with some random combination of alphanumeric is a cookie sent to our desktop..
In our example url, it is ei=EZvFVbmLNa-t8we1wL-oDw after the '&' symbol which connects different parameters and make one query string
After the & you found another parameter 'gws_rd= ssl' which redirect the our to more secure page of google which starts with "HTTPS://" that is the 'Secure Socket Layer' certificate for HTTP security,
Now here is actual your query is to be started with simple symbol 'q' and that is below in our example.
q = query+string
Each time while you searching in the google, just check it, whatever you write in search box will be braked into different words(called Keywords) with '+'(plus) symbol that is the 'OR' operation in Logic of Computer
Here our search = query string, will be braked into 'query + string'
One more interesting thing, while searching on
I searched here "Gmail" in google images and the URL turn to, above from
Know more about the how Google Search engine is work, Take a look the inside story of Google Search Engine
Disclaimer : Here mention all information taking from different source there is no ownership and google search process is changing accordingly as Google search algorithm changes their parameters. Our efforts to just provide basic information to different people
In our example url, it is ei=EZvFVbmLNa-t8we1wL-oDw after the '&' symbol which connects different parameters and make one query string
After the & you found another parameter 'gws_rd= ssl' which redirect the our to more secure page of google which starts with "HTTPS://" that is the 'Secure Socket Layer' certificate for HTTP security,
Now here is actual your query is to be started with simple symbol 'q' and that is below in our example.
q = query+string
Each time while you searching in the google, just check it, whatever you write in search box will be braked into different words(called Keywords) with '+'(plus) symbol that is the 'OR' operation in Logic of Computer
Here our search = query string, will be braked into 'query + string'
One more interesting thing, while searching on
I searched here "Gmail" in google images and the URL turn to, above from
Know more about the how Google Search engine is work, Take a look the inside story of Google Search Engine
Disclaimer : Here mention all information taking from different source there is no ownership and google search process is changing accordingly as Google search algorithm changes their parameters. Our efforts to just provide basic information to different people